Fri, 15 May 2015
We take things West of the Mississippi again and chat with the Founder and Sales Gurus from Coronado visiting the sunny lands all the way from the mothership in San Diego! Rick and crew take us through the history of Coronado brewing company and even sat down to try some fabulous year rounds and limiteds featuring Barrelman Brown, Sock Knocker IPA ,Idiot IPA, and Jurata Baltic Porter Cigar City Collab Chip is back at his news post this week featuring all of the depth and breadth we’ve come to expect! We lead off with a story from Quartz regarding the water situation in California. Next We discuss new lexicon you should know with a feature from OC Weekly. The always enthralling Urkaine Today reports on reducing waiting time for beers in the concession line. The Taunton Gazette shows us how you could save your favorite beer from extinction. Experience the growing Baja CA craft scene with a piece from USA Today. In a fan submitted feature we explore adding tea to beer with a fun story from the Washington Post. Last week our #caskquiz was “what craft beer trend are you over?” This week we are asking “If you could vote for any beer that has gone to return, which one would it be? |